PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day.
PEARL and Center for Professional Learning
M. Ed. Partnership Program through PennWest U.
Professional Publications Library
Our Coordinated Bargaining meetings offer time and space for local officers, bargaining teams, and PSEA staff to work together towards our goal of attaining quality salaries, benefits, and working conditions for our members and their families. All meetings are held via Zoom or in-person.
SER Coordinated Bargaining Workshop
April 23, 2025
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
Penn Oaks Country Club
150 Penn Oaks Drive
West Chester, PA 19380
Registration deadline 4/4/25
Upcoming Coordinated Bargaining Meetings:
Our Executive Committee meetings offer time and space for our local leaders, committee chairs, and PSEA staff to collaborate, conduct the business of the region, and support our members.
All meetings begin at 5 pm and can be attended in-person or via Zoom.
Upcoming Meetings for 2024-2025
Stand up for your students, your profession, and the secure retirement you earned and paid for.
2024-2025 Upcoming Meetings
All meetings begin at 5 PM. Registration is REQUIRED.
Annual Division Meeting and Dinner
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Pica's Restaurant
1233 West Chester Pike
West Chester, PA
5:00-8:00 PM
Cash Bar
Dinner provided at no charge
Guest Speaker: PSERS Representative
Will answer any pension-related member retirement questions
The Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) is a BIPOC-led space where allies are welcome. We explore the unique experiences and priorities of our members of color and work in concert to improve cultural responsiveness and representation in our unions.
The Southeastern MAC meets virtually, every month, with an in-person social in October.
All meetings begin at 4:30 PM.
Date: March 31st, 2025
An Introduction to Medicare and the Health Options Program
Retirement Options for Your Pension
Time: 5:00-8:30 (Dinner is served at 5:00, Presentation begins at 5:30, Buffet is open until 6:30)
Location: Penn Oaks Golf Club, 150 Penn Oaks Drive, West Chester, PA 19382
The Delaware County Healthcare Trust meets monthly. All in-person meetings are held at the Delware County Intermediate Unit (DCIU).
Tuesday, March 18 at 5 pm (In-Person)
Tuesday, April 21 at 5 pm (In-Person)
Tuesday, May 20 at 5 pm (In-Person)
Tuesday, June 17 at 5 pm (Virtual)
Tuesday, August 19 at 5 pm (In-Person)
Did you know your PSEA membership can help you save money on things such as contact lenses, Verizon Wireless, and even Home equity loans?
Take a minute to check out the full line up!
As a PSEA Member, you also qualify for NEA Member Benefits.
Did you know that you have $1,000 complimentary life insurance from NEA? All you need to do is name your beneficiary – there is zero cost involved. This, and other discounts on travel, appliances, and much more are available through NEA Member Benefits.
If you are retiring at the end of the school year or calendar year here are steps that you should be taking with your district and PSERS:
Request a retirement estimate from PSERS. You can ask for up to two different scenarios (ex: retirement date of June 2025 or December 2026)
Retiring from your job doesn't mean you should retire from PSEA and the important activities of your union. PSEA-Retired offers a wealth of programs, activities, and benefits, while keeping you connected to the people and the profession that are so important to you.
You can also sign up to be a PSEA-Retired member if you are in year one or year 35 of your career - or anywhere in between! The earlier you sign up, the more money you will save on dues.
You can enroll in PSEA-Retired FOR LIFE with a one-time dues payment of $790, or break that into four payments of $197.50 over a two-year period. This is a great way to continue to stay involved and engaged with the work of the association as well as continued use of our member benefits. For more information and to enroll, visit this website.
PEARL is PSEA’s hub for our online learning programs.
PEARL (Professional Education and Resources for Learning) is a Moodle-based learning management system that will allow us to greatly expand PSEA’s asynchronous learning opportunities. On PEARL, members can find videos, documents, and presentations packaged into clear, easy-to-follow learning progressions and courses in an array of new formats.
Whether you’re a teacher, education support professional, student, associate, or any other category, your membership gives you exclusive access to this resource so you can start exploring and taking courses immediately.
Educators Rising is a community-based movement that provides Grow Your Own programming for high school students through the Educators Rising curriculum and embraces teaching as a profession.
Educators Rising offers classroom-ready curriculum, training, and support that help high school students begin their journey to becoming future educators. Teacher leaders who bring an Educators Rising chapter to their school district will create new opportunities for more talented young people to enter the education profession.
Educators Rising Teacher Leaders: join in for the monthly meeting every third Tuesday at 4 p.m. Join meeting.
Why Choose the PSEA Health & Welfare Fund?
The PSEA Health & Welfare Fund is a separate legal entity with the focus of providing benefits to Pennsylvania school employees. It is our goal to provide an opportunity for school employers and employees to purchase competitively priced programs. We understand that both school district and employee budgets are tight. The Fund can provide a tremendous opportunity for significant savings.
The Fund puts customer service as a top priority, and we believe in providing employers and employees with the same high level customer service. The Fund does not get involved in labor/management issues such as negotiating labor contracts or grievances. Our sole purpose is to provide benefits to Pennsylvania school employees.
The Fund works to customize plans to meet specific district needs. The dental, vision, life and disability plans offered by the Fund can be tailored to match the specifics of each district even if they have multiple plans covering multiple groups. Additionally, the Fund can cover all employees including administrators, bargaining unit employees and non bargaining unit employees.
By choosing the PSEA Health & Welfare Fund, districts can optimize savings through the Fund's large purchasing pool, gain the ability to cost out benefit changes, choose self-funded or fully-insured programs, ease the burden on district staff with billing and enrollment functions and receive a high level of customer service including help with potential carriers and/or coverage issues.