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The 30,000 members of PSEA-Retired are some of the most vocal and valuable members of PSEA, and the third-largest state group of retirees in the nation. 

PSEA-Retired is a great way to stay connected with the schools and students you spent decades serving - and membership offers great benefits. 

Why Join?

Retiring from your job doesn't mean you should retire from PSEA and the important activities of your union. PSEA-Retired offers a wealth of programs, activities, and benefits, while keeping you connected to the people and the profession that are so important to you. 

Member Resources

PSERS information

Are you looking for information about your pension benefits, health insurance, or working after retirement? 

The Public School Employees' Retirement System (PSERS) provides up-to-date information for retired educators. 

Statement newsletter

Statement is a special newsletter for PSEA-Retired members, highlighting news and important issues.

Planning for retirement

Resources for active PSEA members planning to retire in the next two years:


PSEA represents more than 30,000 retired educators. 

PSEA-Retired Governance

PSEA-Retired elects its own officers at a biennial House of Delegates held in even-numbered years.

In addition, the members of PSEA-Retired can continue to actively participate in PSEA as an organization. PSEA-Retired is represented on PSEA’s Board of Directors and at the PSEA House of Delegates, where they can vote on officers and represent retirees in determining PSEA’s policies and direction.

PSEA-Retired members also represent PSEA at the NEA Representative Assembly.