Member Spotlight: Adam Moskowitz, Duquense University Student PSEA

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Member Spotlight: Adam Moskowitz, Duquense University Student PSEA

Voice: November 2017

Organizing is a priority at all levels of PSEA. Student PSEA member Adam Moskowitz is leading the charge for some aspiring educators in western PA.

Moskowitz is a senior studying early childhood education at Duquesne University. Last year, he persevered through many challenges to establish a Student PSEA chapter there.

This was no small feat. But his hard work paid off when he received approval from the administration and Student Government Association.

“Being a member of Student PSEA has allowed me to become an agent of change in education,” Moskowitz said.

Moskowitz is also in his second year as the student representative to the PSEA Minority Affairs Committee.

“This committee has meaning to me because as an Asian male in early childhood education, I am surrounded by white women,” he said. “Being on the Minority Affairs Committee has given me the wherewithal to stand up for myself, my students, and other people.”

As Western Region president, Moskowitz hopes to bring change to the Student PSEA Executive Committee before becoming an educator next year.

“My goal is to get more ethnic minorities who aspire to be educators involved in Student PSEA,” he said.