Member Spotlight: Sherri Hughes, North Pocono EA

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Member Spotlight: Sherri Hughes, North Pocono EA

Sherri Hughes and Lillianna Fells

Congratulations to North Pocono EA member Sherri Hughes and her third-grade student, Lillianna. They’re the winners of the “My Teacher is an Olympian” contest, sponsored by PSEA, Partners for Public Education, and the Pennsylvania PTA.

Hughes is a third-grade teacher at Moscow Elementary Center in North Pocono School District, Lackawanna and Wayne counties.

The “My Teacher is an Olympian” contest was open to students in kindergarten through third grade. Students were asked to write three original reasons explaining why their nominee shows one or all of the following qualities of an Olympian: friendship, solidarity, and fair play. They were also asked to illustrate one or more reasons.

In Lillianna’s entry, she listed the following reasons why her teacher, Hughes, would make a good Olympian:

  • Friendship – “Miss Hughes was kind enough to play football with us at extra recess.’’
  • Solidarity – “Miss Hughes encouraged us to do well on 2nd spelling tests when we first failed.’’
  • Fair play – “Miss Hughes didn’t want Danica to miss gift exchange, so girls did it today, boys will do it tomorrow.’’

Lillianna also illustrated her first reason, drawing a colorful photo of Hughes participating in recess with her students.

The contest aimed to recognize the great work of the educators, support professionals, and administrators in Pennsylvania’s schools, while showing students that being an Olympian means so much more than being an athlete.

The grand-prize winning entry, along with other winners, can be found at