Executive Director’s Column: PSEA has your back

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Executive Director’s Column: PSEA has your back

Voice: November 2018

This month hundreds of PSEA leaders gathered in Hershey to attend the Local Presidents/Collective Bargaining Conference. It was an opportunity for PSEA staff to share tried and true tactics and strategies, as well as new developments in collective bargaining.

January is just around the corner, and many of your locals will commence bargaining. Securing a good contract settlement takes time, determination, collaboration, and expertise. The effort that goes into bargaining is worth it when a final contract includes the kinds of salaries, benefits, and protections on the job that every PSEA member deserves.

PSEA staff are eager to support locals as they work to secure good contracts. Your local leaders are experts on contract negotiations. And your staff is second to none at doing the detail-oriented work of crafting salary schedules, health care packages, and other benefits you need to support your families.

This map shows average salaries in counties across the state. And it also shows that we still have work to do in some areas to ensure that both starting and average salaries reflect the skill and dedication that every PSEA member exhibits in your schools and classrooms. We’re very focused on this, and we’re going to be working harder than ever to meet those goals.

PSEA members certainly benefit from being members of your local and state associations. But your families do, too – particularly when it comes to the salaries you bring home and the benefits you can offer to your loved ones.

So, as bargaining season begins again, know that your local leaders, your state officers, and your staff have your back – and that we’re all going to be supporting you at the bargaining table to get you what you deserve.

Email Jim Vaughan: jvaughan@psea.org