Give a book and nurture a child's love of reading

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Give a book and nurture a child's love of reading

Partners Post: September 2017

Fly Away with Books

One way you can help children to learn in and out of school — and to discover new worlds of imagination — is to donate books to families who need them.

PA educators and support professionals, in partnership with Partners for Public Education and the PA State Education Association, are hosting book drives this fall. You can support that effort by donating to the PSEA Education Foundation.

If you have books to donate, check in with your neighborhood school, local library, or community center to find out where you can make donations.

Researchers have found a wide disparity between the literacy skills of children from low-income homes and those from wealthier families in large part because too many poorer families have no books. One study found that in middle-income neighborhoods there are 13 books per child, while in low-income neighborhoods, there is one book for every 300 children.

Help put books in the hands of kids who need them, and together we can begin to close the reading gap between the wealthiest and poorest children.

Read more Partners Post.