1.) Must be a person who has made a contribution of significant and/or statewide impact on public education within Pennsylvania and may positively impact public education and/or education professionals in the future.
2.) Must be living.
3.) Applicants will remain in the pool of consideration for two years.
4.) The award may be conferred upon persons in the political, civic or business community, upon PSEA leaders, governance and staff, or a non-member.
The contribution must be of significant stature and the nominator should provide specific reasons why the nominee should receive the award. The nominator’s statement on the nominating form will have substantial bearing on the ultimate selection of the recipient.
What was done to justify the nomination should have potential and/or significant statewide impact on public education and/or education professionals and documentation should support the activities performed. Please include additional documentation.
Note: Please send all documentation materials to PSEAExcellence@psea.org. Be sure to include your name, phone number, and the name of the nominee in the body of the email message.
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