PSEA celebrates American Education Week

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PSEA celebrates American Education Week

To the Editor:

With American Education Week upon us, I want to take a moment to recognize everyone who makes Pennsylvania’s public schools terrific.

That includes the educators and support professionals in our schools as well as the parents, guardians, and community leaders who partner with them. When it comes to educating the next generation of Pennsylvanians, we’re all in it together — and we all have a role to play.

The wonderful thing about our public schools is that every day the door is open to children of all backgrounds, abilities, and incomes. Dedicated professionals are there ready to help those students tackle tough challenges and succeed. 

Over the past 20 months, educators have also partnered with school counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers to address the mental health needs of students who have struggled as a result of the pandemic.

Please join me during American Education Week Nov. 15-19 in saying thank you to the educators and support staff in your community schools. 

And let me say thank you for supporting Pennsylvania’s schools and educators, especially during these challenging times. Our schools couldn’t do all that they do without your support.

Rich Askey
President, Pennsylvania State Education Association
Harrisburg, PA