PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day.
PEARL and Center for Professional Learning
M. Ed. Partnership Program through PennWest U.
Professional Publications Library
Voice: November 2017
Even for a veteran teacher, coming to a new school district can be a bit intimidating.
“It felt somewhat like being a first-year teacher,’’ said Heather Williams, who taught in Philadelphia public schools for seven years before joining the Allentown School District, Lehigh County, in 2016-17.
The transition was made easier, she said, by immediately becoming a member of PSEA. (She was a member of the American Federation of Teachers while teaching in Philadelphia.)
“Having the support of PSEA and the Allentown EA was amazing,’’ Williams said. “They made me feel very comfortable.’’
She particularly credits Deb Tretter, Allentown EA president, for teaching her about Allentown and encouraging her to get involved in the local.
That encouragement included attending PSEA’s Minority Leadership Conference and applying for and obtaining a Minority Leadership Scholarship to attend the Gettysburg Summer Leadership Conference this summer.
“Deb was like a mentor to me,’’ Williams said. “She was in my ear and was great about keeping me abreast of things – what was happening locally, statewide, and nationally.’’
Participating in the leadership track at Gettysburg concluded an exciting first year in Allentown and solidified her resolve to advocate for educators and students.
“The instructors created a great learning experience,’’ Williams said. “We left with an arsenal of resources and educational materials to share with our locals, community, friends, and family.
“The collective voice of 181,000 members is powerful. Education is the foundation on which America was built, and PSEA helps educators make the most impact on students.’’
In addition to that collective voice advocating on behalf of public education, she noted in a time when educators are under attack in some quarters, belonging to PSEA is also important on a personal level. And she urges anyone on the fence about joining to think about all that membership offers.
“When it comes down to knowing your rights and being able to advocate for yourself, for your students, and for the community, PSEA helps you tremendously,’’ Williams said. “You have a network of professionals who have the same values you do and who help you work individually and collectively toward meeting those goals.
“When you are just by yourself, you are an island.’’