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Week of 6-17-2024

Inside this issue

  • Student teacher stipends: If Michigan can do it … why can’t we?
  • ICYMI: “PA Newsmakers” features PSEA Ed Rising program
  • PSEA celebrates Pride Month!
  • Member Benefits spotlight: URL life insurance
  • PEARL and Center for Professional Learning summer offerings

Student teacher stipends: If Michigan can do it … why can’t we?

Pennsylvania’s new student teacher stipend program is a life-changing initiative for students who have never been paid for their 12-week student teacher assignments. But we now know that demand for the stipends far outstrips supply.

With only $10 million appropriated for the program this year, PHEAA has reported that only 600 stipends were available – and a whopping 3,435 students applied for them.

In Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has allocated $50 million for a program just like this one, awarding $9,600 student teacher stipends to every student teacher who applied.  

There is no reason for Pennsylvania to lag behind Michigan in this historic initiative.

PHEAA has reported that Pennsylvania needs $45 million to fund stipends for every student teacher who is eligible for one.

Let’s ask Gov. Shapiro and lawmakers this question: If Michigan can do it, why can’t we?

Tell lawmakers and Gov. Shapiro that we need at least $45 million for the student teacher stipend program in the FY 2024-25 state budget.

ICYMI: “PA Newsmakers” features PSEA Ed Rising program

PSEA President Aaron Chapin and Amanda Funk, a PSEA member and the teacher leader of the School District of Lancaster’s Educators Rising program, were featured on “PA Newsmakers” last week.

PSEA is the state coordinator for Educators Rising, which is designed to address the crisis-level educator shortage in Pennsylvania’s public schools. The program encourages high school students to pursue careers as educators by sharing information and ideas about what it looks like to be a public school educator.

So far, PSEA has helped to establish Educators Rising programs in 15 schools, involving 168 high school students and 29 teacher leaders. The program is already a success, and we look forward to expanding it to include more schools, students, and teacher leaders.

PSEA celebrates Pride Month!

Pride Month offers us a chance to foster inclusivity, teach respect, and promote understanding of LGBTQ+ history and rights. By recognizing Pride, we create a safer, more accepting environment for all students, empowering them to be their authentic selves.

Member Benefits spotlight: URL life insurance

URL Insurance Group is the life insurance provider for PSEA members and their families. URL understands that life does not stand still, and it shouldn’t take a lifetime to apply for life insurance coverage. It is important to review your life insurance frequently to ensure you are properly covered for your ever-changing needs.

These life events, and more, can alter your life insurance needs and financial situation. It may be time for a life insurance checkup if you have experienced any of the following life events:

  • Retirement or approaching retirement
  • Birth or adoption of a child
  • Change in marital status
  • Purchasing a new home or refinancing
  • Incurring new debts/student loans
  • Taking care of elderly parents
  • Never purchased life insurance before

Coverage starts as low as $5,000 and goes up to $1,000,000 and more. For peace of mind, schedule your life insurance checkup.

Call: 717-540-5690



PEARL and Center for Professional Learning summer offerings


Visit the new, improved PEARL today and choose from more than 95 asynchronous courses available for Act 48 credit and Chapter 14 verification.

You can find multiple courses that interest you in any of these tracks: 

  • Book Studies
  • Educational Equity
  • Pedagogy
  • Policy
  • Pupil Services
  • Special Populations
  • Technology in Education
  • SEL & Wellness


  • Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) in the Classroom Today: What is it and what does it look like in the classroom? (ECE Series)
    • July 16, 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Intro to the 3D Science Standards: Coming in 2025!
    • July 18,12-1:30 p.m.
  • Effective Communication with Families
    • July 31, 7-8:30 p.m.

Book Discussions

  • The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels
    • June 26, 10-11 a.m.
  • Science and Engineering Practices Picture Book Study
    • July 9, 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Students to Engage the World
    • Aug. 13, 7-8 p.m.

Postgraduate Credits

Earn postgraduate credits from PennWest University for $70 each!

More than 150 postgraduate credits are available across a wide range of teaching and learning topics.

These postgraduate credits (microcredentials) can count toward the 24 credits required for a Level II certificate and also may count toward salary advancement.*

For support professionals, these courses may meet Chapter 14 requirements.**

*Check your contract to determine if you can apply standalone postgraduate credits for column movement.
**Seek approval from your employer prior to completing hours to apply toward Chapter 14 requirements.

400 N. 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

This content is intended for PSEA members and their immediate families.

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