My PSEA Login



May 29, 2020

Happy Friday, PSEA.

As we hoped, the Legislature has approved a state budget that maintains 2019-20 school funding levels for K-12 public schools and higher education. That means twelve months of funding – and no cuts.

This is an important step toward filling serious local revenue shortfalls. But it still leaves a gap that only federal funds can fill.

That’s why it’s so important for us to contact our U.S. senators and urge them to support $175 billion in emergency aid to schools.

We all know that schools can’t open in the fall and provide for the health and safety of students and staff while struggling with funding cuts.

You made that clear to state lawmakers. Now, we need to keep sending that message to elected officials in Washington, D.C.

So, before we start the weekend, send a message to our U.S. senators. Let them know we need $175 billion in emergency aid to schools.

Your voice makes a difference. So, please speak out today.

Rich Askey

May 27, 2020

Elected officials in Harrisburg are listening to you, PSEA.

Yesterday, the state House passed a budget that includes no funding cuts for K-12 schools, colleges, and universities, providing a full year of school funding even though most other programs will only receive funding for five months.

The Senate plans to approve it later this week.

Now, we need to encourage the federal government to step up. We need to tell our U.S. senators that Pennsylvania schools need $175 billion in emergency federal aid.

Why is this so important?

We need federal funding so that we can open our schools in a way that keeps everyone safe and healthy and ensures that our jobs, our salaries, and our pensions are protected from budget cuts. Remember, school districts are facing a $1 billion local revenue shortfall because of the COVID-19 emergency.

And state government is facing a revenue shortfall of at least $3.7 billion. While some states are looking at deep funding cuts for public schools, Pennsylvania isn’t.

Instead, lawmakers and Gov. Wolf have made school funding a top priority, while they wait for state revenues to rebound in the fall.

This budget won’t solve all of the funding problems our schools are facing because of this pandemic. But it doesn’t make them worse.

Elected officials in Harrisburg listened to you. And if we speak out loudly enough, they’ll listen in Washington, too.

Please take a moment today and tell our U.S. senators that Pennsylvania schools need $175 billion in emergency federal aid

Rich Askey

May 21, 2020

Happy Thursday, PSEA.

It’s hard to believe that we’re heading into the last week of May.

School looks a lot different right now, but I know that you’re still busy preparing for the end of the school year. I also know that you’re thinking about what school will look like in the fall.

None of us are sure. But PSEA is focused on making plans for how schools can reopen so that everyone in them is safe and healthy.

We’ve joined a task force with other school leaders to prepare detailed plans and consider every possible contingency - from transportation issues, to serving students with special needs, to social distancing strategies, to PPE.

Our goal is to release a comprehensive report in late June.

We all want to get back to our schools and students. That’s why this plan is so important.

Stay tuned for details about this – and stay safe and healthy.

Rich Askey

May 18, 2020

Every day is a busy day, PSEA.

So many times in these messages I’ve reminded you of the incredible work that you’re doing. And I just can’t do it enough.

But please take a moment today and do something else that’s very important.

Contact your U.S. senators and representative and let them know that we need $100 billion in emergency federal aid for public education.

Every community in our state is feeling the economic impacts of this pandemic. To get through it, we need help from the federal government.

We want to avoid painful furloughs and program cuts. And we want to make sure that every school in Pennsylvania is a safe and healthy place to learn and work when it reopens.

The state and school districts are facing serious revenue shortfalls. They can only do so much.

In the past few months, Congress has approved more than $2 trillion in assistance for working people, businesses, and health care providers. Now, it’s public education’s turn.

So, please take a moment and contact your U.S. senators and representative. Let them know that we need them to approve $100 billion in emergency federal aid for public education.

To keep doing our jobs, we need their help.

Rich Askey

May 12, 2020

Again and again over the past two months, you’ve heard me ask PSEA members to share stories about how you’re teaching and serving students during the COVID-19 emergency.


One reason is that I just like to hear them.

Another is that I want to share them.

I got the opportunity to do that on May 11 when I testified before the state Senate Education Committee. Senators wanted to know educators are connecting with students – even while their school buildings are closed.

It was a real honor to tell some of your stories.

And I want to tell more of them.

So, please share them.

We want to get the word out so that everyone in Pennsylvania knows just how incredible you are.

Because you are – incredible.

Rich Askey

May 8, 2020

What’s the nicest thing a student ever did for you?

Throughout Teacher Appreciation Week, we’ve been asking this question.

Many PSEA members shared their stories.

Whether the stories were about receiving a birthday card from a student, hearing a student say that his teacher “makes math fun,” or learning that a student had made a donation to a local food pantry in her teacher’s name, they were inspiring.

These stories of small gratitude, appreciation, and connection tell me that the students we serve, their parents, and the communities where they live truly do recognize what an important, irreplaceable role we all play.

I’ve always believed that public education is a calling. It takes a special kind of person to do it.

And, PSEA, you are those special people.

I hope you’ve had a good week. And I hope you’ve taken a moment to remember how appreciated you are.

Every day, you make a difference.

Thank you so much for everything you do.

Rich Askey

May 5, 2020

PSEA, we have a lot to celebrate.

This is Teacher Appreciation Week. Wednesday is School Nurse Day. Later this week, we’ll mark National Nurses Week. And this year is the 25th anniversary of ESP members merging with PSEA.

I know this COVID-19 emergency isn’t the most fun way to spend the spring.

But, PSEA, you really are doing incredible work.

I’ve always believed that PSEA members can do anything.

But the way you’ve risen to the challenges of this pandemic just amazes me.

You are incredible. Pennsylvanians appreciate what you’re doing. And I want you to take a moment this week to celebrate your successes.

I know that I will.

Have a great week. And thank you for being - amazing.

Rich Askey

April 30, 2020

As all of us meet the challenges of the COVID-19 emergency, we know that sometimes we need a little help.

Whether we’re teaching students, dealing with our own kids, or caring for loved ones, it’s not easy to juggle it all. And it’s ok to ask for a helping hand.

PSEA did that this week. We reminded our U.S. senators and representatives that Pennsylvania’s public schools need federal funds to get them through the COVID-19 emergency. And we asked them to provide at least $175 billion to school districts and state and local governments across the nation.

Without federal assistance, our state’s school districts will face $1 billion in local revenue losses and could be forced to cut 50,000 employees, eliminate programs like art, music, and sports, and increase class sizes.

In less than a day’s time, PSEA members sent nearly 5,000 emails to federal lawmakers.

If you haven’t contacted your senators and representative yet, take a moment to do it today.

Our schools need federal help now more than ever. So, let’s make sure our elected officials know how important it is for them to provide it.

Rich Askey

April 28, 2020

How often do we remind our students that there are “no dumb questions”?

All the time.

That good advice applies to us, too, PSEA.

Most of us have settled into the way that we’re teaching and serving kids during the COVID-19 emergency. And I know that PSEA members are doing incredible work.

While we may be getting used to this, I also know that many of us still have questions. PSEA has made it a top priority to answer them.

We have a lot of information, including some easy-to-access Q's & As, on our COVID-19 web page.

Please check it out at There is great information there, compiled by PSEA experts who are updating it regularly.

If you have a question that isn’t answered there, feel free to share it via email or contact your UniServ representative.

When you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask.

Remember, PSEA is here to help so that you can keep doing amazing work.

Rich Askey

April 22, 2020

It’s hard to believe that most of us have been working from home for nearly six weeks.

I’ve heard from many PSEA members who have said that they are settling into this new routine and making the best of a difficult situation.

It makes me so proud that we can adapt so well to these challenges. And we’re doing it because our students are our top priority.

But we need to remember to take care of ourselves. That means we need to practice social distancing, wear masks when we go out, and just stay home until the worst of the COVID-19 emergency is behind us.

We’ve made it this far, PSEA. We can do this.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Schools will remain closed for the rest of the school year. But Gov. Wolf has released a plan for phased, science-based, responsible process for reopening Pennsylvania. It will take a while, but I’m confident that the governor’s plan makes sense – and will keep us all safe and healthy.

So, let’s keep up the great work, PSEA. And be sure to stay safe.

Rich Askey

April 21, 2020

We may not be in our schools and classrooms, but PSEA members continue to make the education of their students a top priority.

And so many of you are going above and beyond after hours to help members of your community.

Barbara Frutchey, a reading specialist at Clarks Summit Elementary and member of the Abington Heights EA, has sewn more than 150 face masks to share with family, friends, and neighbors. A regular blood donor, she has also increased her platelet donations to the Red Cross in response to the pandemic.

Meanwhile, three PSEA members and engineering and technology teachers at Carlisle High School have been using 3-D printers to produce headbands for face shields. The headbands are part of the protective gear health care workers desperately need as they treat people with coronavirus.

Thank you to all the PSEA members making a difference in this crisis, including the HealthCare-PSEA members who are bravely fighting the COVID-19 emergency from the front lines of nursing homes and hospitals.

You are the helpers that Mister Rogers always looked for, and we appreciate what you’re doing so much.

Rich Askey

April 17, 2020

We made it through another week, PSEA.

And I know that you’ve made a difference this week for your students. It makes me so proud to be an educator – and a PSEA member.

By now, I hope you’ve taken advantage of the supports PSEA is providing during the COVID-19 emergency.

Whether you’ve checked out our webpage, joined an online professional development session, or found an answer to a question in one of the many resources we’ve created, I do hope that they’ve been helpful.

One of PSEA’s most powerful resources is our incredible staff. They are here to help in any way possible, and they are the best in the business. They’ve been working night and day to support you.

So, remember that PSEA’s UniServ representatives are available to answer questions and provide guidance on virtually any issue impacting members during this challenging time.

Thank you, PSEA, for the incredible work you’re doing. 

Rich Askey

April 16, 2020

Everyone needs a little help as we’re dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 emergency.

And PSEA is working very hard to provide it.

This is a great opportunity to sign up for the free professional development opportunities we offer.

Do you want to learn about continuity of education, remote learning in low-tech environments, or apps and resources for remote learning?

Then check out the new programs we’re offering as part of our “Educators Growing Together” series on this webpage.

Or maybe you’d like to take a break and join a book discussion. These are very popular, and you can sign up for one here.

These programs are great ways to learn from your PSEA colleagues and pick up Act 48 or Chapter 14 credits.

Even while schools are closed, you’re making sure that Pennsylvania’s students keep learning. And you can keep learning, too.

Just remember, PSEA is here to help you do both.

Rich Askey

April 15, 2020

You’re doing incredible work, PSEA.

Teaching and serving kids in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few months ago. Working in your kitchens and family rooms, connecting with students while you care for your children and family members.

You’re showing everyone in Pennsylvania what it means to be an educator, a support professional, and a PSEA member.

But, remember, you can’t take care of your students unless you take care of yourself.

So, make sure that you take time to rest and recharge.

Breathe. Be with your children. Call a friend. Connect with your loved ones.

And remember that you’re not alone. PSEA is here to help.

If you have a question, ask PSEA. Check out our web page at Sign up for a PSEA professional development program to hear what your colleagues are doing.

Most important of all, take care of yourself – and each other.

And we’ll get through this – together.

Rich Askey

April 14, 2020

As we teach and serve kids during the COVID-19 emergency, PSEA recognizes that we have new and unique continuing professional education needs.

That’s why I hope you’ll check out the new programs we’re offering online.

The “Educators Growing Together” series will bring PSEA members together to share ideas about how to teach and learn during the COVID-19 emergency.

Topics range from continuity of education, to how to educate students with disabilities while school buildings are closed, to apps that enhance remote instruction.

The best way for PSEA members to cope with these professional demands is together and the best source of information for problem-solving is each other.

PSEA is here to support you during this challenging time – in every way we can.

Learn more about these forums and sign up for great learning experiences with your PSEA colleagues.

Rich Askey

April 9, 2020

As we’re all working together to deal with the challenges of the COVID-19 emergency, I want to take a moment and recognize some PSEA members who are on the front lines – literally.

PSEA is proud to represent about 700 Pennsylvania health care workers.

These dedicated professionals are caring for our most vulnerable residents in hospitals and nursing homes, and they are doing an amazing job.

Join me in recognizing their important work and thanking them for stepping up in the face of this global pandemic. Send them a “thank you” on Facebook.

PSEA members are committed to making a difference in our communities every day.

And our Healthcare-PSEA members are doing just that — and saving lives in the process.

I hope you’re able to rest and recharge during the long spring holiday weekend. Please spend it being safe and healthy.

PSEA’s staff are going to take a well-deserved break, too. We are all working remotely from home, but on Friday and Monday we’ll be taking a break for the spring holiday. Just know that if members have an emergency, we’ll be on call.

Stay safe and thank you for everything you are doing!

Rich Askey

April 8, 2020

PSEA’s goal is to support our members – in every way possible, every day.

We’re working as hard as we can to find new ways to connect with members and provide the supports and resources you need.

Last night, several hundred members joined an interactive Zoom meeting to learn about ways to practice mindfulness and compassionate self-care. We’ve never had such a large session using remote technology.

It was a tremendous success, and we’re planning to do more of them.

So, stay tuned for opportunities to connect and learn in this new format. We’ll be posting information about new sessions soon.

Speaking of wellness, we’re all heading into a long weekend. This year, the holiday will be different from most. But I do hope you’ll take time to relax, recharge, and connect with your families in whatever way you can.

PSEA’s staff are all working remotely, but they’ll be taking a break on Friday and Monday for the spring holiday. Just know that if members have an emergency, we’ll be on call.

Thank you, PSEA, for everything you’re doing.

Rich Askey

April 7, 2020

It’s always helpful for PSEA members to share information with each other – and tell their stories.

With all of us dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 emergency, this kind of sharing is more important than ever.

Every day in our public schools – whether they’re open or not – school social workers, nurses, psychologists, and counselors play invaluable roles. They support our students in countless ways. And, even now while schools are closed, they’re still hard at work.

School social worker Kathy Leh, school nurse Wendy Robison, school psychologist David Lillenstein, and school counselor Rosary Pennington told us how they’re still serving their students – every day.

Check out their stories and be sure to tell us yours. We want to hear them.

In the meantime, have a look at some new resources NEA has prepared on school meals and nutrition, ESSA waivers, the Education Stabilization Fund, and student loans.

These are very helpful summaries of the actions the federal government has taken to help public schools and students in this challenging time.

PSEA, you’re doing incredible work.

I am so proud of everything you’re doing. So, let’s keep sharing our stories and keep supporting each other.

Rich Askey

April 6, 2020

I hope everyone took my advice and had a good, relaxing weekend.

As we enter the fourth week of the school closure, more schools are finding new ways to connect with their students – either online or through other, innovative means.

As you do that, PSEA is constantly updating the information we have to share with members.

Today, you’ll find a comprehensive new FAQ related to the COVID-19 emergency.

It includes a detailed summary of Act 13 – the COVID-19 emergency law that the governor signed on March 27. It also offers answers to many questions PSEA members have asked about how schools are operating and how best to provide remote learning opportunities.

I hope you’ve had a chance to check out the “Keeping Connected” e-newsletter you found in your inbox last Thursday. We’re going to be sending “Keeping Connected” every week.

Be sure to have a look at it to find the latest information about the COVID-19 emergency, the supports PSEA is offering, and stories about the incredible things PSEA members are doing to teach and serve kids.

And, please, remember to take care of yourselves and your families.

That’s the most important thing of all.

Rich Askey

April 3, 2020

Happy Friday, PSEA.

I am hoping you could do something for me this weekend.

Here’s what it is.

Relax. Take it easy. Spend time with your families. Stay home and stay healthy.

With the entire state under a “stay-at-home” order, there’s really no place to go, is there?

All of you are working so hard, and you’re doing incredible work. But I know it isn’t easy.

You’re finding new ways to reach your students. You’re working to feed kids and clean schools. And you’re balancing all of that with the daily challenges of taking care of your loved ones – and yourselves.

I can’t tell you how proud I am of everything you’re doing. It’s simply inspiring.

But remember to take care of yourselves.

PSEA will be here for you - fighting for you, protecting you, and answering the questions you have about how to work through this incredibly challenging time.

That’s what PSEA does.

Now, take care of yourselves this weekend. Take some time to rest and recharge.

And know how grateful I am for everything you’re doing.

Rich Askey

April 2, 2020

As we all deal with the daily challenges of the COVID-19 emergency, PSEA’s top priorities are to support you, protect you, and get answers to the questions you have.

Last night, I convened a tele-town hall with hundreds of PSEA local association presidents. It was a terrific event. And I was so pleased to hear from so many local leaders.

We will post a summary of the questions and answers from the tele-town hall soon.

Many of those questions involved the impact of the COVID-19 emergency law. 

Gov. Wolf signed this new law last week. You can find an updated FAQ about it in “NEA and PSEA Education Resources” on this web page.

Just as important, I was pleased to be a guest on the "PA Newsmakers" television program today. It was a great opportunity to talk about the amazing work PSEA members are doing and the innovative ways you are connecting with your students.

PSEA, all I can say is “thank you.”

You are truly amazing. Keep up the great work.

Rich Askey

April 1, 2020

Let’s stay connected.

I’ve heard from so many of you over the past few weeks. You’ve asked questions, shared “thank yous,” and told me about the amazing things PSEA members are doing to teach and serve kids during the COVID-19 emergency.

I love the stories members share. They’re heartwarming and inspiring, They’re creative and innovative. And I want to hear more of them.

The thing is that so many members don’t think their stories are unique or interesting.

Well, I have news for you.

Your stories are amazing. I want to hear them. And I want to share them.

So, post them on Facebook. Put a video or a photo on InstagramTweet something. Or drop your story in the web form on this page.

Your stories matter.

They show how committed you are to teaching and serving kids. And they remind everyone that PSEA members are there for our students – wherever we are.

This isn’t an easy time. But PSEA members are doing incredible work. PSEA members are incredible.

Please share your stories, because you should be so proud to tell them.

Thank you, PSEA, for everything you’re doing.

Rich Askey

March 31, 2020

PSEA members are amazing.

That’s true every day of every year. But, when confronted with a huge challenge, like dealing with the COVID-19 emergency, you see the incredible, creative, unconventional things PSEA members are doing to connect with our students.

I love Siobhan Peterson-Walsh’s idea. She made a video, using Lego characters and stop animation, to model what social distancing means for our students, and for all of us.

Check it out on PSEA’s Facebook and Instagram pages. Nice work, Siobhan.

This is just one of many, many, many examples of PSEA members doing incredible things during an incredibly challenging time.

Keep up the great work, PSEA.

Once again, stay safe and healthy. 

And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey

March 30, 2020

Since the start of the coronavirus school shutdown, PSEA members across Pennsylvania have made the education of their students a top priority.

Some have done so through online instruction or enrichment, while others have delivered printed education materials to students at grab-and-go meal sites and even to students’ homes.

I am so impressed and proud of the way that Pennsylvania’s educators and support professionals have stepped up in this crisis and put their students first.

As more districts implement online instruction this week, PSEA members will be ready, adapting lesson plans and material to meet students and families where they are. I also know that many members will have questions about exactly how to do this. Be assured that we are working to make sure that we have answers.

Unfortunately, this emergency is going to last for a while. Today, Gov. Wolf ordered that schools will remain closed indefinitely.

This is a challenging and difficult time. But one thing is clear throughout all of this. Wherever PSEA members are, they are there for their students.

Thank you for all that you’re doing to keep your students learning. Please continue to stay connected with each other and take care of yourselves and your families.

Rich Askey

March 27, 2020

Thank you, PSEA.

Thanks to you the Legislature passed a bill to ensure your financial security during this uncertain time.

Now, many of you are getting ready to start – or continue – teaching our students.

The Department of Education is refining guidance about how instruction can occur while schools are closed during the COVID-19 emergency. Check out PDE’s updated guidance.

PSEA members still have many questions about the finer points of online instruction. I want you to know that PSEA is working to get you the best possible advice.

PSEA staff are working on draft MOUs to protect you and your students as we all move forward together. Find information we have already posted regarding distance instruction on this page. Just scroll down to “Resources” to find it.

If questions arise, please reach out to your local president, UniServ representative, or me, and we will do our best to get you answers.

We will be here for you. Because, in so many ways, you have been here for me.

Every time I check the news or Facebook, I see PSEA members doing incredible things.

Teachers driving around town waving to their students. Support professionals making kids lunch and breakfast. A teacher playing her guitar and singing songs to her students. Educators making videos just to remind students that they’re there for them.


We all have stories like these. And now is the time to share them. The best place to find inspiration is in each other, by sharing the incredible work you’re doing – even in this unprecedented time.

You have a story, too.

Post it on Facebook. Drop it in the story form on this webpage. Put a photo or a video on Instagram.

Please tell your stories. Because they are incredible.

You inspire me, PSEA.

Keep up the great work.

Rich Askey

March 26, 2020

Yesterday was a historic day for the Pennsylvania General Assembly – and for Congress.

The state House and Senate voted unanimously to approve emergency school code legislation that sets clear state policy for public schools during the coronavirus emergency and ensures that all school employees — EA and ESP members alike — get paid and receive a full year of PSERS retirement credit. PSEA members played a key role in getting this bill passed.

State lawmakers also adopted legislation moving Pennsylvania’s primary election date to June 2, providing $50 million in aid to hospitals and health care systems, and easing eligibility requirements for workers applying for unemployment benefits.

Congress had a big day, too. Last night, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan stimulus package to ease the economic impact of this crisis. The U.S. House plans to vote on it tomorrow.

The federal bill includes immediate financial stimulus to American families, additional funding for state and local governments, and a six-month suspension of student loan payments, among other provisions.

You can find information on both the state and federal COVID-19 legislative on this web page.

Thank you for all that you’re doing to help your students. Keep connected with each other and take care of yourselves and your families.

Rich Askey

March 25, 2020

This is great news.

Today, the state House and Senate voted to approve the COVID-19 emergency legislation that PSEA has been working on with Gov. Wolf, Secretary of Education Pedro Rivera, and legislators.

The bill will provide clear statewide policy for public schools as they confront this emergency, ensure that all school staff – EA and ESP members – get paid, and ensure that all school staff get a full year of PSERS retirement credit. See below for more details about what’s in the bill.

Now, it’s on its way to the governor’s desk.

This is great news. PSEA has been encouraging the Legislature to act on this bill. And you sent more than 20,000 emails last week, asking lawmakers to make this a priority.

They listened to us, and they did the right thing.

PSEA’s top priority is to make sure the state gives the clearest possible direction about how our schools should operate during this emergency. And we want to make sure that every PSEA member is treated fairly.

Passing this bill is a great step in the right direction and a tremendous victory.

As always, thank you for the amazing work you’re doing. Keep connected with each other and take care of yourselves and your families.

Rich Askey

March 24, 2020

Since Gov. Wolf announced yesterday that schools will be closed for another two weeks, we’ve had some questions about what exactly that means.

Just to clarify, the Department of Education has said that this means that schools will be closed through April 6. Unless the governor extends the school closure, schools will reopen for staff on April 7 and students will report on April 9.

This is intended to give staff time to get ready for students to arrive on April 9.

I know that some members are working with their administrations to think about how to deliver instruction in new ways during the time that schools are closed. Some are considering online instruction as an option.

Be sure to check out a new resource PSEA has provided on this in the “resources” section below – “Tools and Resources for K-12 Online Learning  during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” It has some really good suggestions.

In other important news, the Department has announced that Pennsylvania is cancelling standardized testing for students in career and technical education (CTE) programs for the 2019-20 school year. These include exams from the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) and National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS).

As always, thank you for the amazing work you’re doing. I’ll keep you posted. And, please, make sure that you take care of yourselves and each other.

Rich Askey

March 23, 2020

Now is the time to stay connected.

By now, you’ve likely heard that Gov. Wolf has directed that public schools remain closed for another two weeks. And he’s asked Pennsylvanians who live in Philadelphia, Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Monroe, and Montgomery counties to stay home for two weeks.

I know this isn’t easy, but I’ve always known that our members are leaders in challenging times. PSEA members go the extra mile for students every single day. And today is no different.

Even though we’re in the middle of an unprecedented crisis - with schools closed, businesses shuttered, and more questions than answers - PSEA members are still connecting with their students, preparing their meals, and making sure they know that we care about them.

You can find some great stories about this incredible work on this webpage and on our social media channels.

And we’d like to hear yours. So, please share it.

Drop a summary of your story into the webform on this page. Post it on Facebook. Take a photo and put it on Instagram.

We want to help you promote the great work you’re doing. So, please, share your story.

In other news, we’re hopeful that the Legislature will start voting our COVID-19 emergency legislation this week. Once it passes, it will answer a lot of the questions you have about what lies ahead. Check out a summary of the bill on this webpage.

PSEA, I’m so proud of the work you’re doing.

I also know that, in addition to this great work, all of you are also caring for yourselves and your families.  Please know you are in my thoughts every day.

Keep up the great work. And please stay safe and healthy.

Rich Askey

March 20, 2020

Thank you, PSEA.

Yesterday, I asked members to contact their legislators and urge them to take up a COVID-19 emergency bill. The bill will provide clear statewide policy for public schools as they confront this emergency, ensure that all school staff – particularly ESP members – get paid, and ensure that all school staff get a full year of PSERS retirement credit.

You responded. Within hours, you sent more than 15,000 messages to lawmakers. As a result, legislative leaders have agreed to start voting on this bill next week.

This is great news. And our legislators deserve our thanks. They’re working with us to get this done, and I’m very grateful for their support – and for yours.

You may also have seen the Department of Education’s announcement yesterday cancelling the PSSA and Keystone exams for the 2019-20 school year. Members had questions about how testing would work in the face of the COVID-19 emergency.

Now, these questions have been answered. No PSSA or Keystone testing this year.

This is another smart, practical decision, and I applaud the Department of Education for making it.

What we all need to do now is stay healthy, stay safe, and support each other.

Continue to check out this web page and PSEA’s social media channels for the most up-to-date information on this. And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey

March 19, 2020

It’s tough to look at the news these days.

But, every day, I see stories about how PSEA members are helping students, feeding kids, and reaching out to people in their communities to offer a helping hand, a kind word, or educational resources for parents and students.

Check out some of those stories on this page. They’re really something.

As we all cope with the COVID-19 emergency, we need to put some pressure on legislators to take up a bill we’ve worked with them to write. This bill would provide clear state-wide policy for public schools as they confront this emergency, ensure that all school staff – particularly ESP members – get paid, and ensure that all school staff get a full year of PSERS retirement credit.

Have a look at what else this bill would do below.

I’m confident that this bill will pass, but we need the state Legislature to focus on it right away. So, take a moment to send your state legislators a message encouraging them to vote on it as soon as possible.

And I want to say special word about PSEA’s higher education and health care members. We’re working on issues that impact you as well.

Keep checking this webpage for updates. This is where we’re going to post the most up to date information we have about the COVID-19 emergency and what PSEA is doing to deal with it.

Once again, stay tuned. Stay safe. Stay home. And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey

March 18, 2020

This isn’t an easy time. For any of us. PSEA members have a lot of questions about how to deal with the COVID-19 emergency. We don’t have all of the answers yet. PSEA has your back, and we’re working around the clock to get those answers. 

Emergency legislation poised for a vote
Our primary goal is to pass legislation that sets clear policy for schools and staff as we all confront the COVID-19 crisis. We’ve been working with the governor, legislators, the secretary of education, and other school officials to get this done – around the clock. See below to learn about what this bill will do.

We believe this bill will pass within the next week or so. And we may ask you to contact your legislators and urge them to support it. 

More to come
When this bill passes, many of the questions you have will be answered. But I know there will be more questions as we deal with this unprecedented crisis. PSEA is here to answer them. If you have questions, feel free to contact your UniServ representative and ask your question that way.

I’ll be updating you about this regularly. So stay tuned. Stay safe. Stay home. And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey