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A key component of Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed $1.1 billion public school funding increase is a tax equity supplement that would provide additional state funds to school districts that have high local tax effort when compared with the rest of Pennsylvania’s school districts. Under Gov. Shapiro’s proposal, a school district with high local tax effort has local tax effort in the top 34 percent of all school districts. The governor’s proposal, which is based on the Basic Education Funding Commission’s Jan. 11 report, would phase this funding in over seven years.
Anytown SD Total Market Value and Personal Income: $2,720,000,000
Anytown SD Total Local Tax Revenues: $48,960,000
Anytown SD Local Tax Effort: 48,960,000/$2,720,000,000 = 1.8 percent (total local tax revenues/total market value and personal income)
Local Tax Revenues If Anytown SD’s Local Tax Effort Was 1.55 Percent: $42,160,000
Anytown SD Tax Equity Supplement: $6,800,000 over seven years (total local tax revenues - local tax revenues if tax effort was 1.55 percent)
Anytown SD Annual Tax Equity Payment: $971,429 each year for seven years
In total under the governor’s proposal, 169 school districts would qualify for a tax equity payment.