PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day.
PEARL and Center for Professional Learning
M. Ed. Partnership Program through PennWest U.
Professional Publications Library
Teaching assistants are incredibly important members of the classroom team and, in classrooms where they are available to help students with math and reading, studies have shown that their work helped improve their students’ achievement in those subject areas.* Unfortunately, low pay for these professionals has led to a serious shortage in Pennsylvania.
The reason this is a top priority for PSEA is simple. People in our communities respect what educators do. That’s something PSEA members can be proud of.
But, with the educator shortage worsening, public education faces a growing crisis. PSEA is working to meet these challenges. That’s what PSEA’s RESPECT initiative is all about.
If you have a story that helps illustrate why funding to increase the number of teaching assistants is critical to PA’s public education, click below to share it — and PSEA will help you tell it.