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Help elect a a pro-public education governor!

Josh Shapiro is a long-time supporter of public education and working people. And he has made it clear that he:

  • Opposes tuition voucher schemes
  • Supports increasing the state’s share of public education funding
  • Opposes any cuts to school employees’ pension benefits

Josh Shapiro plans to “fully fund our schools — invest in attracting and retaining quality teachers, repairing old and dangerously unhealthy buildings, and keeping pace with changing technology so our students are prepared for the future. Josh will make our children’s mental health a priority and ensure that every school building in the commonwealth has at least one mental health counselor, and limit our reliance on standardized testing so we can create more time for kids to learn and more flexibility for teachers to teach.”

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(Subsequent deductions on the 20th of each month)

(Subsequent annual deductions beginning Dec 10, 2025)

Step 2: Tell us who you are

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Step 3: Secure Payment

Note: This content is intended for use by PSEA members and their immediate families. PSEA-PACE supports friends of education in state and local elections. Contributions to PSEA-PACE are voluntary and members have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. A member may contribute more or less than the suggested amount, or not contribute, without it affecting his or her membership status, rights, or benefits in NEA, PSEA or any of PSEA's affiliates.

Contributions to PSEA-PACE are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal or state income tax purposes. Only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents may contribute to PACE. No dues dollars can be given to political candidates.