My PSEA Login



March 23, 2020

Now is the time to stay connected.

By now, you’ve likely heard that Gov. Wolf has directed that public schools remain closed for another two weeks. And he’s asked Pennsylvanians who live in Philadelphia, Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Monroe, and Montgomery counties to stay home for two weeks.

I know this isn’t easy, but I’ve always known that our members are leaders in challenging times. PSEA members go the extra mile for students every single day. And today is no different.

Even though we’re in the middle of an unprecedented crisis - with schools closed, businesses shuttered, and more questions than answers - PSEA members are still connecting with their students, preparing their meals, and making sure they know that we care about them.

You can find some great stories about this incredible work on this webpage and on our social media channels.

And we’d like to hear yours. So, please share it.

Drop a summary of your story into the webform on this page. Post it on Facebook. Take a photo and put it on Instagram.

We want to help you promote the great work you’re doing. So, please, share your story.

In other news, we’re hopeful that the Legislature will start voting our COVID-19 emergency legislation this week. Once it passes, it will answer a lot of the questions you have about what lies ahead. Check out a summary of the bill on this webpage.

PSEA, I’m so proud of the work you’re doing.

I also know that, in addition to this great work, all of you are also caring for yourselves and your families.  Please know you are in my thoughts every day.

Keep up the great work. And please stay safe and healthy.

Rich Askey

March 20, 2020

Thank you, PSEA.

Yesterday, I asked members to contact their legislators and urge them to take up a COVID-19 emergency bill. The bill will provide clear statewide policy for public schools as they confront this emergency, ensure that all school staff – particularly ESP members – get paid, and ensure that all school staff get a full year of PSERS retirement credit.

You responded. Within hours, you sent more than 15,000 messages to lawmakers. As a result, legislative leaders have agreed to start voting on this bill next week.

This is great news. And our legislators deserve our thanks. They’re working with us to get this done, and I’m very grateful for their support – and for yours.

You may also have seen the Department of Education’s announcement yesterday cancelling the PSSA and Keystone exams for the 2019-20 school year. Members had questions about how testing would work in the face of the COVID-19 emergency.

Now, these questions have been answered. No PSSA or Keystone testing this year.

This is another smart, practical decision, and I applaud the Department of Education for making it.

What we all need to do now is stay healthy, stay safe, and support each other.

Continue to check out this web page and PSEA’s social media channels for the most up-to-date information on this. And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey

March 19, 2020

It’s tough to look at the news these days.

But, every day, I see stories about how PSEA members are helping students, feeding kids, and reaching out to people in their communities to offer a helping hand, a kind word, or educational resources for parents and students.

Check out some of those stories on this page. They’re really something.

As we all cope with the COVID-19 emergency, we need to put some pressure on legislators to take up a bill we’ve worked with them to write. This bill would provide clear state-wide policy for public schools as they confront this emergency, ensure that all school staff – particularly ESP members – get paid, and ensure that all school staff get a full year of PSERS retirement credit.

Have a look at what else this bill would do below.

I’m confident that this bill will pass, but we need the state Legislature to focus on it right away. So, take a moment to send your state legislators a message encouraging them to vote on it as soon as possible.

And I want to say special word about PSEA’s higher education and health care members. We’re working on issues that impact you as well.

Keep checking this webpage for updates. This is where we’re going to post the most up to date information we have about the COVID-19 emergency and what PSEA is doing to deal with it.

Once again, stay tuned. Stay safe. Stay home. And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey

March 18, 2020

This isn’t an easy time. For any of us. PSEA members have a lot of questions about how to deal with the COVID-19 emergency. We don’t have all of the answers yet. PSEA has your back, and we’re working around the clock to get those answers. 

Emergency legislation poised for a vote
Our primary goal is to pass legislation that sets clear policy for schools and staff as we all confront the COVID-19 crisis. We’ve been working with the governor, legislators, the secretary of education, and other school officials to get this done – around the clock. See below to learn about what this bill will do.

We believe this bill will pass within the next week or so. And we may ask you to contact your legislators and urge them to support it. 

More to come
When this bill passes, many of the questions you have will be answered. But I know there will be more questions as we deal with this unprecedented crisis. PSEA is here to answer them. If you have questions, feel free to contact your UniServ representative and ask your question that way.

I’ll be updating you about this regularly. So stay tuned. Stay safe. Stay home. And know that PSEA has your back.

Rich Askey