Financial Education Workshops

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Financial Education Workshops

PSEA Member Benefits offers members a wide-range of financial education events, through local association workshops program and region pre-retirement workshops. 

Local Association Financial Education Workshops

PSEA Member Benefits, working with PSEA endorsed vendors, will provide financial education workshops for local associations at the request of the local's UniServ Representative.

These educational workshops offer opportunities for members to learn about financial planning and retirement planning issues from experts they can trust. Each workshop is approximately one hour in length but can be adjusted to match locals' needs and time limitations. Download the request form here and contact your UniServ Representative for more information.

Pre-Retirement Workshops

At least one Pre-Retirement Workshop is presented in each PSEA region once a year under the direction of the Retirement & Welfare Committee. 

*Registration links will appear as registration becomes available. Online registration may not be available for all regions.

November 09, 2024

Western Region Pre-Retirement Workshop

Central Region Pre-Retirement Workshops

Jan. 11, 2025 - “PSERS Retirement Classes & Benefit Options”     

Jan. 18, 2025 - An Introduction to Medicare & the Health Options Program for School Employees Considering Retirement”

An overview which explains Medicare then looks at the Medicare Supplemental and Medicare Advantage plans that are available through the PSERS Health Options Program.

Jan. 25, 2025 - Income & Expenses in Retirement” 

Social Security, Investment Considerations, and the Threat of Long-Term Care Costs.

Feb. 01, 2025 -“Estate Planning Essentials”

The tools you need to organize, protect, and plan for your second half of life.

February 22, 2025

Midwestern Region Pre-Retirement Workshop

March 20, 2025

Midwestern Region Pre-Retirement Workshop