PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day.
Why Belong
Mission, Vision, Values, & Goals
Benefits of Membership
Our Story
How to Join
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Regions & Local Associations
Social Studies teacher Seth Roper and his program SHINES (Support, Hope, Included, Non-Judgmental, Encouraging, Strength) - A grief and loss support group for students at the high school level who have lost a family member or friend.
PSEA Officers
PSEA Board of Directors
Stand up for your students, your profession, and the secure retirement you earned and paid for.
Contact your Legislators
Voter Toolkit
Contribute to PSEA-PACE
ACE Program
PSEA Testimony
PSEA is committed to making changes aimed at protecting everyone who works and learns in our schools.
Fundamental Facts
Government Policy Agenda
Top Legislative Priorities
ESP Substitutes Wanted
Substitutes Wanted
American Rescue Plan
School Funding
School Safety
Federal Policy Issues
Other Education Policy Issues
Cover story: Gov. Shapiro’s education budget proposal continues historic investments
Press Center
Learning Lessons
Voice Magazine
PSEA Podcast: Duty Free Lunch
PSEA Keeping Connected
Member Newsletters
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PSEA Calendar
House of Delegates
Conferences & Workshops
Black History Month
American Education Week
National Reading Month/Read Across America
Visit the PSEA Online Learning Portal.
Salary & Wage Center
Student PSEA
Career Toolkit
Member Benefits
Member Rights
New & Early Career Educators
Minority Involvement
Legal Resources
Collective Bargaining
Awards & Grants
Direct Dues
Local Leader Tools
Meet the 2023 winners.
PEARL and Center for Professional Learning
M. Ed. Partnership Program through PennWest U.
Educators Rising
Special & Gifted Education
Professional Publications Library
Educator Evaluation
Your Pension Benefits
Background Checks
Child Abuse Reporting
If you join now, as a single year member, your membership will expire on August 31, 2025. Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins on April 1, 2025. Students joining for the next school year under the early enrollment option will be covered by the liability insurance as soon as their membership is processed. All other membership benefits take effect on September 1, 2025.
You can join as a multi-year member. This option is more cost effective and guarantees uninterrupted liability coverage. Prepayment is for consecutive membership years. Please enroll only for the number of years you expect to remain eligible for Student membership. When you obtain your license and begin teaching professionally, you become eligible for Active membership. At that time, you will enroll through the school district where you are employed. We cannot refund prepaid dues for later years if you change career plans; nor can we apply prepaid Student dues toward Active membership.
PSEA is committed to assuring the equitable representation of members of ethnic minority groups at all governance levels of the Association. To help achieve this goal, completion of this section is strongly encouraged. Failure to do so, however, will not affect your membership status, rights or benefits in NEA, PSEA, the local or any of their affiliates. Ethnic minority by the U.S. Bureau of Census. This information will be kept confidential.