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Your search for: "Epilepsy in School: training for teachers and school personnel" returned 2034 result(s)

Teachers in the Parks bridges the summer learning gap

Teachers in the Parks bridges the summer learning gap In Exeter Township, the Teachers in the Parks ... Parks program bridges the summer learning gap for many children. The successful program founded by fourth-grade

Community Spotlight: Summer learning with Teachers in the Park

Community Spotlight: Summer learning with Teachers in the Park Partners Post: September 2017 Seven ... Township teacher Matthew Hathaway got a few teachers and kids together at a local park over the summer

These teachers are true ‘Partners’ in Public Education

These teachers are true ‘Partners’ in Public Education Voice: September 2017 Desiree Seese and Barbara ... other, and their eyes lit up. It was the first day of the Partners for Public Education School at the

Tech teachers get clipped, raise money for cancer research

Tech teachers get clipped, raise money for cancer research Voice: May 2017 Cosmetology students at Lenape ... Lenape Technical School lined up to clip some of their teachers. But it was all for a good cause at the

Voice cover story: The Hub of the school

The hub of the school Libraries: The hub of the school Chocolate, roller coasters, and... libraries ... makeover in Fox Chapel Needs greatest in urban districts; resources lowest Bill calls for librarian

Online Instruction Guide

to learn it from home with a million distractions and a potentially spotty internet connection. Now is ... self-direction in students is more important now than ever, so encourage that by letting them fill in more blanks

Working for educators and public education

Working for educators and public education An approach to member engagement the State College EA adopted ... Ruocchio commended PSEA for being proactive in the face of the Janus case and has made it clear to his

L&P: Protecting ESP paychecks and benefits

Protecting ESP paychecks and benefits As the General Assembly’s new session begins, the Association ... paychecks and health benefits in case they are furloughed when their schools do not provide in-person in­struction

State public school grad Ohio Teacher of the Year

State public school grad Ohio Teacher of the Year State public school grad Ohio Teacher of the Year ... Pennsylvania public school system, not only was Ohio’s top teacher, he was one of four finalists for the 2018 National

School nurses rise to challenge of new immunization laws

School nurses rise to challenge of new immunization laws Voice: November 2017 State officials say the ... credit goes to those who were in the trenches – school nurses. “School nurses immediately went to work

PSEA members help guide new School Safety Task Force Report

PSEA members help shape PA’s first ever School Safety Task Force Report Earlier this year, PSEA asked ... schools safe from violence in the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida. As one

Executive Director’s Column: Welcome back to a new school year

a new school year Voice: September 2018 I know this is one of the busiest times of the year for PSEA ... organizing lesson plans, decorating your school’s hallways and classrooms – doing all of the things necessary

Student Teachers

your teaching career in the midst of a nationwide shutdown   While students and educators have been scrambling ... new post-COVID-19 realities, what about those stuck in the middle: students making the transition to teaching

Send in your delegate nomination for NEA-RA

Send in your delegate nomination for NEA-RA Voice: September 2018 The NEA Representative Assembly is ... primary legislative and policymaking body of the Association. It derives its powers from and is responsible

T/L: Shaler Area SD counselor named top in the state

named top in the state The pandemic has put an acute focus on mental health, especially for our students ... students. And it’s made the work of our school counselors and psychologists that much more vital. Lezlie

Send in your delegate nomination for NEA-RA

Send in your delegate nomination for NEA-RA Voice: September 2018 The NEA Representative Assembly is ... primary legislative and policymaking body of the Association. It derives its powers from and is responsible

Send in your delegate nomination for NEA-RA

Send in your delegate nomination for NEA-RA Voice: September 2018 The NEA Representative Assembly is ... primary legislative and policymaking body of the Association. It derives its powers from and is responsible

CBS Sunday spotlights career and technical education in Pennsylvania

CBS Sunday spotlights career and technical education in Pennsylvania CBS Sunday’s Oct. 1 episode featured ... labor across the United States, and efforts to address it. The search for solutions led them to Pennsylvania’s

Pennsylvania school nurse travels to Puerto Rico to help hurricane victims

Pennsylvania school nurse travels to Puerto Rico to help hurricane victims Cheryl Mattern, a certified ... certified school nurse in Central York School District, and a member of both the PSEA and NEA boards of directors

PSEA Learning Lessons: Great ideas, Great schools Business Incubator Program at Big Spring High School

Lessons: Business Incubator Program at Big Spring High School Voice: July 2016  This story is part of a regular ... are doing great things or conducting great programs in Pennsylvania's public schools.  Have you ever heard