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Your search for: "Epilepsy in School: training for teachers and school personnel" returned 2034 result(s)

New legislation - Act 91 of 2021 - HB 412 School District Map Sub Training by IUs Press Release What you need ... Substitute Teacher Legislation Now Law See these school districts in list form Here’s what you need to know about

News Release - May 17, 2021

president says safe in-person instruction must be priority for 2021-22 school year For further information ... HARRISBURG, PA (May 17, 2021) – As school districts make plans for the 2021-22 school year, PSEA President Rich

News release - August 12, 2021

NEA announcement on vaccine requirements for school staff For further information contact: Chris Lilienthal ... following statement related to vaccinating school employees in Pennsylvania against COVID-19, after the

T/L: Shaler Area SD counselor named top in the state

named top in the state The pandemic has put an acute focus on mental health, especially for our students ... students. And it’s made the work of our school counselors and psychologists that much more vital. Lezlie

Bill would establish ratios for pupil services Professionals

Bill would establish ratios for pupil services Professionals PSEA is supporting legislation that is ... update the school nurse-to-student ratio and establish professional-to-student ratios for school counselors

ESPs honored

building and grounds employees, secretaries, administrative assistants, security service personnel, and others ... support professionals. PSEA joins NEA in honoring these dedicated and hardworking professionals on National

Committee works to balance the scales

Pennsylvania’s public school students are people of color, while only 4 percent of teachers are. That is why ... has been such a strong advocate for increasing minority representation in Pennsylvania’s public schools

Committee works to balance the scales

Pennsylvania’s public school students are people of color, while only 4 percent of teachers are. That is why ... has been such a strong advocate for increasing minority representation in Pennsylvania’s public schools

News Release - November 11, 2020

president: PA school districts must follow pandemic health guidelines to keep students, staff, and visitors ... visitors safe For further information contact: Chris Lilienthal (717) 255-7134 David Broderic (717) 255-7169

Week of 7.11.2022

boosts school safety and mental health measures Here is what your PSEA membership gets you Center for Professional ... Learning and PEARL Member Benefits spotlight: Liberty Mutual insurance State budget boosts school safety

PSEA House of Delegates (Pre and Post Conference Dec. 2022)

New Business Items House of Delegates suspended for the evening due to weather Delegate Access to the ... Introducing New Business Items New Business Items (NBIs) and Related Materials New Business Items December Virtual

PSEA Southern Region Special Education Learn and Lunch

Wilson phys ed teacher blends body and mind

Wilson phys ed teacher blends body and mind Voice: July 2017 Physical education brings to mind the body ... body, but to a nationally recognized Wilson High School teacher it’s about the whole person. Elizabeth

Coming together to improve our jobs and teaching

Coming together to improve our jobs and teaching Key Issues Reversing State Funding Cuts Reducing ... Protecting Teachers’ Time Your union brings together 178,000 education professionals, and we all have

President’s Column: Showcasing your creativity and hard work

Showcasing your creativity and hard work President’s Column: Showcasing your creativity and hard work Laura Rockwell ... Educators and support professionals spend countless hours every summer getting their schools and classrooms

PSEA House of Delegates (Pre and Post Conference Dec. 2021)

Delegates suspended for the evening due to weather House of Delegates suspended for the evening due to ... Delegate Access to the Virtual HOD Pre-mailing and Delegate Information Registration Packet Professional

What do our local association and PSEA do?

local association and PSEA do together? Don't take it from us. Hear PSEA members in their own words. ... We fight for the salaries and benefits we need to support our families. We protect members who need

Central Region Education and Leadership Development Conference 2023

PSEA-WR ACSHIC Plan Changes and Updates Meeting

Legal Services

Substitute Teachers (Jan. 2024) Tax Treatment for Tuition Reimbursement (Jan. 2024) Sex Discrimination in Educational ... Educational Programs and Support for LGBTQI+ Students (July 2024) Certification and Training Requirements (Sept