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Your search for: "Epilepsy in School: training for teachers and school personnel" returned 2034 result(s)

Salary Center

Data Average Salary / Maximum Wage Data Salary and Wage Data Center Learn more about the EA salary ... can find data and interactive maps with information about starting and average salaries for EA members (teachers

Online Instruction Guide

to learn it from home with a million distractions and a potentially spotty internet connection. Now is ... self-direction in students is more important now than ever, so encourage that by letting them fill in more blanks

NEA-RA voting begins in December

NEA-RA voting begins in December Beginning Dec. 18, PSEA members will be asked to vote for Pennsylvania delegates ... Representative Assembly (NEA-RA), June 30-July 5, in Minneapolis. Delegates to the NEA-RA help to guide

Learning Lessons: Comic books in the classroom

Learning Lessons: Comic books in the classroom Voice: May 2017 This story is part of a regular series ... conducting great programs in Pennsylvania’s public schools. For other stories in the series go to www.psea

New “Little Free Libraries” in Lebanon County

“Little Free Libraries” in Lebanon County Voice: July 2017 Six locations in Lebanon County now have ... libraries, which are cabinets on poles for community members to share books for others to use. Neighbors who use

Teacher finds calling in Peace Corps work

finds calling in Peace Corps work Voice: March 2017 Teaching the locals about fishing in a rugged, rural ... rural, and impoverished area in South Africa wouldn't seem to be the setting for deciding to launch a career

ESSA plan awaits educators in fall

awaits educators in fall When educators return to classrooms for the 2018-19 school year it will mark ... Child Left Behind, and the bipartisan legislation passed by Congress and signed into law in December 2015

Teacher makes students part of history

2018 In the musical “Hamilton’’ there is a famous line, “When you got skin in the game, you stay in the ... philosophy. “In education, especially history, if you allow students to be part of the story, and to really

Teacher makes students part of history

2018 In the musical “Hamilton’’ there is a famous line, “When you got skin in the game, you stay in the ... philosophy. “In education, especially history, if you allow students to be part of the story, and to really

Teacher makes students part of history

2018 In the musical “Hamilton’’ there is a famous line, “When you got skin in the game, you stay in the ... philosophy. “In education, especially history, if you allow students to be part of the story, and to really

L&P: Protecting ESP paychecks and benefits

Protecting ESP paychecks and benefits As the General Assembly’s new session begins, the Association ... paychecks and health benefits in case they are furloughed when their schools do not provide in-person in­struction

News Release - June 18, 2019

#RedForEd: PSEA members advocate for key policy initiatives at state Capitol For further information contact: ... conference in the state Capitol today to advocate for key public education initiatives. The teachers and support

Rudolph Burruss, candidate for NEA state director

Rudolph Burruss, candidate for NEA state director My Name is Rudolph “Rudy” Burruss. I’m a special education ... education paraprofessional in the State College Area School District. For the past three years, I have

Easton teacher named Hero for cancer fight

Easton teacher named Hero for cancer fight Voice: November 2017 Giuliana Giannone didn’t have to face ... face cancer alone. The elementary school student in the Easton Area School District, Northampton County,

Infographic: Looking for a few good educators

Infographic: Looking for a few good educators Infographic: Looking For a Few Good Educators

Richard W. Askey, candidate for PSEA treasurer

Richard W. Askey, candidate for PSEA treasurer Voice: March 2017 It is hard to believe that it has been ... as your state treasurer. I am grateful to work for a union that we can all be proud of.  It has also

Kevin Deely, candidate for NEA state director

Kevin Deely, candidate for NEA state director Voice: March 2017 "Our lives begin to end the day we become ... quote from Dr. King has been my personal mantra, and rests at the bottom of every email I send. Whether

Other candidates for PSEA statewide office

Other candidates for PSEA statewide office Voice: March 2017 Pension Plan Director • Todd D. Miller

PSEA starts Fund for Student Success

PSEA starts Fund for Student Success Voice: September 2018 In July, the PSEA Board of Directors voted ... voted to approve the Fund for Student Success, a new PSEA account that will allow the Association to better

PSEA Member Spotlight: Call for submissions

Your Name Your School Phone Email Member's Name Member's Local Notes Submit Tell us the name ... recommend this member for a future Member Spotlight Thank you for recommending a colleague for a future PSEA