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Your search for: "Epilepsy in School: training for teachers and school personnel" returned 2034 result(s)

ESP Wage Story

How to solve the school support staff shortage: Increase wages ESP Minimum Wage Data ESP Maximum Wage ... support for raising wages is very high The best way to address Pennsylvania’s crisis-level school support

News release - June 22, 2018

president: Comprehensive school safety bill will keep schools and students safer For further information ... provide school districts $60 million in school safety grants for a menu of security, training, prevention

In Memoriam: Francis ‘Butch’ Santicola

In Memoriam: Francis ‘Butch’ Santicola PSEA has lost an Association legend with the recent passing of ... Santicola. A tireless and passionate advocate for educators, public schools, and collective bargaining

Candidates in PSEA statewide elections

Candidates in PSEA statewide elections Voice: March 2017 PSEA statewide elections to be held at the ... Plan Director (elect 1) Candidate statements appear in alphabetical order.

Innovative Teaching Grant applications

that recognize members for their contributions to innovative instruction and the art of teaching. To ... classroom teachers, librarians, instructional teams, education support professionals, pupil personnel services

ITG applications

that recognize members for their contributions to innovative instruction and the art of teaching. To ... classroom teachers, librarians, instructional teams, education support professionals, pupil personnel services

IOL: LDAPA donates thousands of masks to PA special education departments

The need for quality PPE equip­ment during the COVID-19 pan­demic has been especially acute in special ... education departments due to the heightened need for in-person instruction. One organization that understands

Pres column:American Education Week is about all of us

care providers, and support professionals who make our schools the best they can be for millions of students ... nationwide. I’m a big fan of American Education Week, and I’m a big fan of PSEA members like you who prepare


Retired Leadership School Retired Leadership Communications School Communications Advocacy Track Communications ... Communications School Interactive Technology Track The school for Retired leaders will present a variety

Winter 2017

0(16).zip/mail.html --> <!-- @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { table {font-size:1.8em;} ... of Directors and staff continue to work tirelessly on issues impacting our professional and personal lives

L&P: Protecting ESP paychecks and benefits

Protecting ESP paychecks and benefits As the General Assembly’s new session begins, the Association ... paychecks and health benefits in case they are furloughed when their schools do not provide in-person in­struction

Member Spotlight: John Odell of Phoenixville EA

Phoenixville EA Phoenixville EA member John Odell is in his second successful career. The eighth-grade science ... Vietnam War. He joined ROTC with plans to stay in the military for two years. That turned into a 24-year career

Act 1: Questions and Answers

2016-17 budgets, Act 1, which regulates school district property taxes in Pennsylvania, comes into play. Key ... question-and-answer guide provides a primer on the property tax system in Pennsylvania and Act 1 of 2006: 

Southern Region Learn and Lunch

Southern Region Learn and Lunch PSEA Southern Region Special Education Learn and Lunch Register Now ... you looking for flexible learning hours/Act 48 hours?  Join us on Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018, for a PSEA Southern

Central Region Income and Expenses

Come to the Central Region Pre-Retirement Seminar on Nov. 9 Register today. Event flyer

Career and Technical Education (DCTS)

than 2,300 careeer and technical studies educators.  PSEA's Department of Career and Technical Studies ... identifies and addresses the concerns and issues which affect the professions of educators in these disciplines

Cover story: The most important day in PSEA history

most important day in PSEA history Read the stories of those who participated in the rally The legacy ... Organizing: 'All in this together' The battle still rages It was a typical early March day in Pennsylvania

Breaking News Timeline

Meetings, conferences, and cancellations Breaking News and Updates Timeline August 18, 2020: The state ... departments of education and health released updated guidance on masks and face coverings in schools, clarifying

Breaking News Timeline

Meetings, conferences, and cancellations Breaking News and Updates Timeline August 18, 2020: The state ... departments of education and health released updated guidance on masks and face coverings in schools, clarifying

Dept of Pupil Services

Professional Resources School Counselors School Dental Hygienists HSV/SSW School Nurses School Psychologists ... Professional Resources School Counselors School Dental Hygienists Home and School Visitors/School Social Workers