New Members

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New Members

We're so glad you joined PSEA, 178,000 educators and support professionals who are making a difference in the lives of Pennsylvania students every day.

We hope you'll be an active citizen in our Association. And PSEA wants to make sure you have everything you need to do your job.

As a new member, you'll receive information and updates specifically geared toward new members like you. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to engage in an ongoing dialogue with PSEA and your fellow members.

Information & Updates

New member guide

New to PSEA? We created a special publication to introduce you to programs, benefits, and important information about the Association. 

Your pension, your future

You may just be starting your career, but it’s never too early to think about your retirement.

If this is your first job in a school, you have a very important decision to make right now. You only have 45 days to choose your retirement option after being notified by PSERS. And you only have one chance to do it.

Belong newsletter

Every month, new PSEA members receive a special e-newsletter called Belong. Each issue includes classroom tips, PSEA news and events, and other information to support you in your career.

Saving you money

There are a lot of benefits to being a PSEA member, and one of them is that your membership saves you money.

The PSEA Member Benefits and Member Benefits Access programs can save you money at thousands of different restaurants, hotels, car rental agencies, grocery stores – and more.

Now, you can wear PSEA on your sleeve (or on a hat).

PSEA offers an array of shirts, hats, and other products with our Association logo. 

Order these items through the PSEAWear Online Store and have them delivered directly to your home.


More than 8,300 educators and support professionals joined PSEA this year.