PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day.
PEARL and Center for Professional Learning
M. Ed. Partnership Program through PennWest U.
Professional Publications Library
I am currently seeking reelection to the PSERS Board of Trustees to represent all non-certified members. They are our bus drivers, cafeteria workers, secretaries, custodians, paraeducators, and others.
I have served as your representative on the board since 2021 and ask for your vote to continue representing you for another three years.
As a fellow ESP, I appreciate how hard you work and what your contributions to the PSERS system mean to you. I want to make sure that when you retire you will be able to rely on your pension as a source of income to make retirement a time to relax and reflect on your years of service without having to worry how to pay your bills.
I also want to help our new members better understand PSERS and how their decisions today will affect them in the future.
Thank you for your confidence in me. I would be honored to be able to continue to serve as your representative and humbly ask for your vote.
Sincerely, Ann Monaghan
The board is established by statute and is made up of 15 members. Eight are elected state officials or political appointees. The board also includes two school board representatives, three members elected by active certified school employees, one member elected by active non-certified school employees, and one member elected by annuitants.
Every member has a sworn fiduciary duty and loyalty to both active and retired members of the system.
I am seeking reelection to the PSERS board because I feel I can provide a strong voice for all non-certified active members.
I want to ensure that their contributions to PSERS are protected, and that ESPs and all other non-certified members have the same standing as certified members when calculations are done with regard to years of service. Current legislation to allow districts to either have 180 school days or 900-990 hours can influence ESPs, and I want to make sure that no matter how a year is calculated it applies to ESPs as well as all other members.
I have always been a strong advocate for ESPs. I have always and will always challenge political agendas pushed by influential government officials trying to sway the board’s decisions. I remain dedicated to supporting our members by staying informed, prepared, and attentive to their needs. My only agenda on the board is to represent our members effectively, without any political motives.
PSERS mailed all non-certified members of the system a ballot on Aug. 5. Your ballot must be completed and returned to PSERS by COB Sept. 13.
VOTE Ann Monaghan for PSERS today! ✔
✔ PSERS was established on July 18, 1917, and began operations in 1919.
✔ PSERS is the 16th largest state-sponsored defined benefit public pension plan in the United States.
✔ PSERS has 250,000 retired members and 251,000 active members.
✔ PSERS’ total plan net assets have grown to $77.5 billion as of March 31, 2024.
✔ PSERS’ pension benefit payments to retirees totaled $7.46 billion in the 2023 f iscal year.